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Helper functions

A few helper functions are available for loading ASCII arts.


A script allows to easily display an ASCII file:

Loading an ASCII file

The function from_file is a shortcut to read a .asc file and render it as a string.

>>> import asciistuff
>>> print(asciistuff.from_file("test.asc"))
###  ###   ##  ###  
 #   #    #     #   
 #   ##    #    #   
 #   #      #   #   
 #   ###  ##    #   

                                                        "A nice quote",

Getting a banner

The function get_banner is a shortcut to make an ASCII art consisting of a banner text and a logo or what is defined in the given ASCII file. By default any file with the extension .asc, .jpg, .jpeg or .png.

This function has the following options:

  • text (string ; defaults to None, meaning no banner text): banner text to be displayed
  • path (string ; defaults to None, meaning no additional items): path to a valid file (ASCII file or image) or folder in which a valid file shoud be searched for
  • img_ext (tuple ; defaults to JPG and PNG extensions): list of Pillow-compatible image extensions
  • styles (dictionary ; default is empty):
>>> import asciistuff
>>> print(asciistuff.get_banner("test"))

                               #              #                                
                              ####  ##   ### ####                              
                               #   #  # #     #                                
                               #   #### ##    #                                
                               #   #      ##  #                                
                               #   #       #  #                                
                                ##  ### ###    ##                              

>>> print(asciistuff.get_banner(path="."))
###  ###   ##  ###  
 #   #    #     #   
 #   ##    #    #   
 #   #      #   #   
 #   ###  ##    #   

                                                        "A nice quote",

Note that, in the first case, only a text is provided and its default style is centered. In the second case, no banner text is provided but a .asc file was found through a random selection in the current folder, holding a banner and a quote.

Getting a quote

The function get_quotes allows to get a random quote from a quotes.csv file that should at least contain the columns "author" and "quote".

This function has the following options:

  • folder (string ; required): folder path to the quotes.csv file for selecting a random quote
  • style (dictionary ; default is empty): styling parameters